# ConfigParams Interface

# License

# licenseKey

licenseKey: string

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:168 (opens new window)

Sets your HyperFormula license key.

To use HyperFormula on the GPLv3 license terms, set this option to gpl-v3.

To use HyperFormula with your proprietary license, set this option to your valid license key string.

For more information, go here.

default undefined

# Engine

# chooseAddressMappingPolicy

chooseAddressMappingPolicy: ChooseAddressMapping

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:47 (opens new window)

Sets the address mapping policy to be used.

Built-in implementations:

  • DenseSparseChooseBasedOnThreshold: sets the address mapping policy separately for each sheet, based on fill ratio.
  • AlwaysDense: uses DenseStrategy for all sheets.
  • AlwaysSparse: uses SparseStrategy for all sheets.

default AlwaysDense

# context

context: unknown

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:53 (opens new window)

A generic parameter that can be used to pass data to custom functions.

default undefined

# evaluateNullToZero

evaluateNullToZero: boolean

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:115 (opens new window)

When set to true, formulas evaluating to null evaluate to 0 instead.

default false

# maxColumns

maxColumns: number

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:210 (opens new window)

Sets the maximum number of columns.

default 18.278 (Columns A, B, ..., ZZZ)

# maxRows

maxRows: number

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:204 (opens new window)

Sets the maximum number of rows.

default 40.000

# useArrayArithmetic

useArrayArithmetic: boolean

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:356 (opens new window)

When set to true, array arithmetic is enabled globally.

When set to false, array arithmetic is enabled only inside array functions (ARRAYFORMULA, FILTER, and ARRAY_CONSTRAIN).

For more information, see the Arrays guide.

default false

# useColumnIndex

useColumnIndex: boolean

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:366 (opens new window)

When set to true, switches column search strategy from binary search to column index.

Using column index improves efficiency of the VLOOKUP and MATCH functions, but increases memory usage.

When searching with wildcards or regular expressions, column search strategy falls back to binary search (even with useColumnIndex set to true).

default false

# useStats

useStats: boolean

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:374 (opens new window)

When set to true, enables gathering engine statistics and timings.

Useful for testing and benchmarking.

default false

# Formula Syntax

# arrayColumnSeparator

arrayColumnSeparator: "," | ";"

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:192 (opens new window)

Sets a column separator symbol for array notation.

default ','

# arrayRowSeparator

arrayRowSeparator: ";" | "|"

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:198 (opens new window)

Sets a row separator symbol for array notation.

default ';'

# functionArgSeparator

functionArgSeparator: string

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:95 (opens new window)

Sets a separator character that separates procedure arguments in formulas.

Must be different from decimalSeparator and thousandSeparator.

For more information, see the Internationalization features guide.

default ','

# functionPlugins

functionPlugins: any[]

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:122 (opens new window)

Lists additional function plugins to be used by the formula interpreter.

default []

# ignoreWhiteSpace

ignoreWhiteSpace: "standard" | "any"

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:146 (opens new window)

Controls the set of whitespace characters that are allowed inside a formula.

When set to 'standard', allows only SPACE (U+0020), CHARACTER TABULATION (U+0009), LINE FEED (U+000A), and CARRIAGE RETURN (U+000D) (compliant with OpenFormula Standard 1.3)

When set to 'any', allows all whitespace characters that would be captured by the \s character class of the JavaScript regular expressions.

default 'standard'

# language

language: string

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:136 (opens new window)

Sets a translation package for function and error names.

For more information, see the Localizing functions guide.

default 'enGB'

# Undo and Redo

# undoLimit

undoLimit: number

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:380 (opens new window)

Sets the number of elements kept in the undo history.

default 20

# Date and Time

# dateFormats

dateFormats: string[]

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:85 (opens new window)

Sets the date formats accepted by the date-parsing function.

A format must be specified as a string consisting of tokens and separators.

Supported tokens:

  • DD (day of month)
  • MM (month as a number)
  • YYYY (year as a 4-digit number)
  • YY (year as a 2-digit number)

Supported separators:

  • / (slash)
  • - (dash)
  • . (dot)
  • (empty space)

Regardless of the separator specified in the format string, all of the above are accepted by the date-parsing function.

For more information, see the Date and time handling guide.

default ['DD/MM/YYYY', 'DD/MM/YY']

# leapYear1900

leapYear1900: boolean

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:156 (opens new window)

Sets year 1900 as a leap year.

For compatibility with Lotus 1-2-3 and Microsoft Excel, set this option to true.

For more information, see nullDate.

default false

# nullDate

nullDate: SimpleDate

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:220 (opens new window)

Internally, each date is represented as a number of days that passed since nullDate.

This option sets a specific date from which that number of days is counted.

For more information, see the Date and time handling guide.

default {year: 1899, month: 12, day: 30}

# nullYear

nullYear: number

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:232 (opens new window)

Sets the interpretation of two-digit year values.

Two-digit year values (xx) can either become 19xx or 20xx.

If xx is less or equal to nullYear, two-digit year values become 20xx.

If xx is more than nullYear, two-digit year values become 19xx.

default 30

# parseDateTime

parseDateTime: function

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:242 (opens new window)

Sets a function that parses strings representing date-time into actual date-time values.

The function should return a DateTime object or undefined.

For more information, see the Date and time handling guide.

default defaultParseToDateTime

# Type declaration:

▸ (dateTimeString: string, dateFormat?: undefined | string, timeFormat?: undefined | string): Maybe‹DateTime›


Name Type
dateTimeString string
dateFormat? undefined | string
timeFormat? undefined | string

# stringifyDateTime

stringifyDateTime: function

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:282 (opens new window)

Sets a function that converts date-time values into strings.

The function should return a string or undefined.

For more information, see the Date and time handling guide.

default defaultStringifyDateTime

# Type declaration:

▸ (dateTime: SimpleDateTime, dateTimeFormat: string): Maybe‹string›


Name Type
dateTime SimpleDateTime
dateTimeFormat string

# stringifyDuration

stringifyDuration: function

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:292 (opens new window)

Sets a function that converts time duration values into strings.

The function should return a string or undefined.

For more information, see the Date and time handling guide.

default defaultStringifyDuration

# Type declaration:

▸ (time: SimpleTime, timeFormat: string): Maybe‹string›


Name Type
time SimpleTime
timeFormat string

# timeFormats

timeFormats: string[]

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:346 (opens new window)

Sets the time formats accepted by the time-parsing function.

A format must be specified as a string consisting of at least two tokens separated by : (a colon).

Supported tokens:

  • hh (hours)
  • mm (minutes)
  • ss, ss.s, ss.ss, ss.sss, ss.ssss, etc. (seconds)

The number of decimal places in the seconds token does not matter. All versions of the seconds token are equivalent in the context of parsing time values. Regardless of the time format specified, the hours-minutes-seconds value may be followed by the AM/PM designator.

For more information, see the Date and time handling guide.

example E.g., for timeFormats = ['hh:mm:ss.sss'], valid time strings include:

  • 1:33:33
  • 1:33:33.3
  • 1:33:33.33
  • 1:33:33.333
  • 01:33:33
  • 1:33:33 AM
  • 1:33:33 PM
  • 1:33:33 am
  • 1:33:33 pm
  • 1:33:33AM
  • 1:33:33PM

default ['hh:mm', 'hh:mm:ss.sss']

# Number

# currencySymbol

currencySymbol: string[]

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:61 (opens new window)

Sets symbols that denote currency numbers.

For more information, see the Internationalization features guide.

default ['$']

# decimalSeparator

decimalSeparator: "." | ","

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:109 (opens new window)

Sets a decimal separator used for parsing numerical literals.

Can be one of the following:

  • . (period)
  • , (comma)

Must be different from thousandSeparator and functionArgSeparator.

For more information, see the Internationalization features guide.

default '.'

# precisionEpsilon

precisionEpsilon: number

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:257 (opens new window)

Sets how far two numerical values need to be from each other to be treated as non-equal.

a and b are equal if all three of the following conditions are met:

  • Both a and b are of the same sign
  • abs(a) <= (1+precisionEpsilon) * abs(b)
  • abs(b) <= (1+precisionEpsilon) * abs(a)

Additionally, this option controls the snap-to-zero behavior for additions and subtractions:

  • For c=a+b, if abs(c) <= precisionEpsilon * abs(a), then c is set to 0
  • For c=a-b, if abs(c) <= precisionEpsilon * abs(a), then c is set to 0

default 1e-13

# precisionRounding

precisionRounding: number

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:272 (opens new window)

Sets the precision level of calculations' output.

Internally, all arithmetic operations are performed using JavaScript's built-in numbers. But when HyperFormula exports a cell's value, it rounds the output to the precisionRounding number of significant digits.

Setting precisionRounding too low can cause large numbers' imprecision (for example, with precisionRounding set to 4, 100005 becomes 100010).

Setting precisionRounding too high will expose the floating-point calculation errors. For example, with precisionRounding set to 15, 0.1 + 0.2 results in 0.3000000000000001.

default 10

# smartRounding

smartRounding: boolean

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:300 (opens new window)

When set to false, no rounding happens, and numbers are equal if and only if they are of truly identical value.

For more information, see precisionEpsilon.

default true

# thousandSeparator

thousandSeparator: "" | "," | " " | "."

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:315 (opens new window)

Sets the thousands' separator symbol for parsing numerical literals.

Can be one of the following:

  • empty
  • , (comma)
  • (empty space)

Must be different from decimalSeparator and functionArgSeparator.

For more information, see the Internationalization features guide.

default ''

# String

# accentSensitive

accentSensitive: boolean

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:18 (opens new window)

When set to true, makes string comparison accent-sensitive.

Applies only to comparison operators.

default false

# caseFirst

caseFirst: "upper" | "lower" | "false"

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:36 (opens new window)

When set to upper, upper case sorts first.

When set to lower, lower case sorts first.

When set to false, uses the locale's default.

default 'lower'

# caseSensitive

caseSensitive: boolean

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:26 (opens new window)

When set to true, makes string comparison case-sensitive.

Applies to comparison operators only.

default false

# ignorePunctuation

ignorePunctuation: boolean

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:128 (opens new window)

When set to true, string comparison ignores punctuation.

default false

# localeLang

localeLang: string

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:178 (opens new window)

Sets the locale for language-sensitive string comparison.

Accepts IETF BCP 47 language tags.

For more information, see the Internationalization features guide.

default 'en'

# matchWholeCell

matchWholeCell: boolean

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:186 (opens new window)

When set to true, function criteria require whole cells to match the pattern.

When set to false, function criteria require just a sub-word to match the pattern.

default true

# useRegularExpressions

useRegularExpressions: boolean

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:386 (opens new window)

When set to true, criteria in functions (SUMIF, COUNTIF, ...) are allowed to use regular expressions.

default false

# useWildcards

useWildcards: boolean

Defined in src/ConfigParams.ts:392 (opens new window)

When set to true, criteria in functions (SUMIF, COUNTIF, ...) can use the * and ? wildcards.

default true