# Building

The build process uses Webpack and Babel, as well as npm tasks listed in package.json. During this process, the source located in the src/* directory is transformed into the output files.

For UMD versions which reside in CDN:

  • ./dist/hyperformula.js - a full version which does not have dependencies, they need to be added manually
  • ./dist/hyperformula.min.js - a minified version which does not have dependencies, they need to be added manually
  • ./dist/hyperformula.full.js - a full version with dependencies
  • ./dist/hyperformula.full.min.js - a minified version with dependencies

There are also versions of builds in CommonJS, ES6, and TypeScript definitions. They are marked in the package.json file. Based on the tools used (Webpack, parsers, etc.), a proper build will be respectively chosen.

The library is developed in TypeScript and the exact configuration options can be found in tsconfig.json. To run the commands you need to set up your environment to have npm or yarn properly installed. After that, navigate to the project and run npm install.

# Build the project

To build the project you can use the following commands:

  • npm run bundle-all - generates development and production builds, verifies the version
  • npm run bundle:es - transpiles files into the import/export format , builds ES6 version
  • npm run bundle:cjs - builds CommonJS version
  • npm run bundle:development - generates development build
  • npm run bundle:production - generates production build
  • npm run bundle:languages - builds the languages
  • npm run bundle:typings - generates TypeScript typing, only emits ‘.d.ts’ declaration files

We use the latest version of Node 22 LTS in the build-chain and recommend this version for building. Note that for using (not building) HyperFormula, a wider range of Node versions is supported.

# Verify the build

By using the following commands you can verify the build:

  • verify-bundles - runs all verify commands
  • verify:umd - verifies UMD version
  • verify:umd:min - verifies UMD minified version without dependencies
  • verify:umd:full - verifies UMD version with dependencies
  • verify:umd:full.min - verifies minified UMD version with dependencies
  • verify:cjs - verifies CommonJS version with dependencies
  • verify:publish-package - checks if npm built the package correctly
  • verify:typings - verifies TypeScript typings

# Build the documentation

Most likely, you will want to document the code. You can use the following commands to generate the documentation:

  • npm run docs:build - builds the docs
  • npm run docs:dev - serves the development version of the docs locally

# Run the tests

The tests are done with Jest and Karma. The same test suite should pass in both of them because the library might be used server-side or in a browser, so you have to be sure that both environments are fine.

  • npm run test - runs the linter and all tests
  • npm run test:unit - runs unit tests
    • To run a test suite that matches a word, add a Jest -t flag. For example: npm run test:unit -- -t 'SUMIF' runs only the tests that match the word SUMIF within describe() or it().
    • To run a specific test suite, pass the file name. For example: npm run test:unit 'function-sumif.spec.ts' runs only the unit tests from the file function-sumif.spec.ts.
  • npm run test:coverage - runs unit tests and generates code coverage
  • npm run test:browser - runs tests in karma once and closes all open browsers
    • To run a specific spec file or a test suite you can add a Karma --spec flag. For example: npm run test:browser.debug -- --spec=matrix.spec.ts runs matrix.spec.ts browser tests only
  • npm run test:browser.debug - runs test in karma only in Chrome until you exit the process. It watches changes in src and test directories and rebuilds them automatically.

# Run the linter

You can use the following commands to lint the code, so it meets the required standards. ESLint is used as the tool of choice in this case.

  • npm run lint - lints the code
  • npm run lint:fix - automatically fixes lint problems