# Migrating from 0.6 to 1.0

To upgrade your HyperFormula version from 0.6.x to 1.0.x, follow this guide.

# Step 1: Change your license key

If you use the AGPLv3 license, or the free non-commercial license, you need to change your license key.

If you use a commercial license, you don't need to make any changes.

# Open-source license

If you use the open-source version of HyperFormula, in your configuration options, pass the gpl-v3 string instead of the agpl-v3 string:


const options = {
  licenseKey: 'agpl-v3',


const options = {
  // use `gpl-v3` instead of `agpl-v3`
  licenseKey: 'gpl-v3',

# Free non-commercial license

If you use the free non-commercial license, switch to the GPLv3 license or purchase a commercial license.

For more details on HyperFormula license keys, go here.

# Step 2: Change sheetName to sheetId

Most sheet-related methods now take the sheetID number parameter instead of the sheetName string parameter.

For example, use the clearSheet() method in this way:


const hfInstance = HyperFormula.buildFromSheets({
 MySheet1: [ ['=SUM(MySheet2!A1:A2)'] ],
 MySheet2: [ ['10'] ],

const changes = hfInstance.clearSheet('MySheet2');


const hfInstance = HyperFormula.buildFromSheets({
 MySheet1: [ ['=SUM(MySheet2!A1:A2)'] ],
 MySheet2: [ ['10'] ],

// use `sheetId` instead of `sheetName`
const changes = hfInstance.clearSheet(1);

The only methods still accepting the sheetName string parameter are now:

  • addSheet(): needs sheetName to give a name to the new sheet. Generates the new sheet's sheetId
  • isItPossibleToAddSheet(): needs sheetName to check if it's possible to add a new sheet with that name
  • doesSheetExist(): needs sheetName to check if a sheet with that name exists
  • getSheetId(): needs sheetName to get the sheet's sheetId

Also, these methods still accept the newName string parameter:

  • renameSheet(): needs newName to give a new name to an existing sheet
  • isItPossibleToRenameSheet(): needs newName to check if it's possible to give that new name to an existing sheet

# Step 3: Adapt to the matrix->array name changes

Adapt to the following changes in configuration option names, API method names and exception names:

# Configuration option names

Before After
matrixColumnSeparator arrayColumnSeparator
matrixRowSeparator arrayRowSeparator

# API method names

Before After
matrixMapping arrrayMapping
isCellPartOfMatrix isCellPartOfArray

# Exception names

Before After
SourceLocationHasMatrixError SourceLocationHasArrayError
TargetLocationHasMatrixError TargetLocationHasArrayError

# Step 4: Drop the matrix formula notation

Switch from the matrix formula notation to the array formula notation.

For more information on the array formula notation, go here.



Now, if the useArrayArithmetic configuration option is set to false, use the ARRAYFORMULA function to enable the array arithmetic mode locally:


But when the useArrayArithmetic configuration option is set to true, you don't need to use the ARRAYFORMULA function, as the array arithmetic mode is enabled globally:


# Step 5: Drop the matrixDetection and matrixDetectionThreshold options

Remove the matrixDetection and matrixDetectionThreshold options from your HyperFormula configuration.


// define options 
const options = {
    licenseKey: 'gpl-v3',
    matrixDetection: true,
    matrixDetectionThreshold: 150


// define options 
const options = {
    licenseKey: 'gpl-v3'
    // remove `matrixDetection` and `matrixDetectionThreshold`

# Step 6: Switch to the SimpleCellRange type argument

If you use any of the following methods, update your code to take the SimpleCellRange type argument:

  • copy()
  • cut()
  • getCellDependents()
  • getCellPrecedents()
  • getFillRangeData()
  • getRangeFormulas()
  • getRangeSerialized()
  • getRangeValues()
  • isItPossibleToMoveCells()
  • isItPossibleToSetCellContents()
  • moveCells()


const hfInstance = HyperFormula.buildFromArray([
 ['1', '2'],

// takes `simpleCellAddress`, `width`, and `height`
// returns: [ [ 2 ] ]
const clipboardContent = hfInstance.copy({ sheet: 0, col: 1, row: 0 }, 1, 1);


const hfInstance = HyperFormula.buildFromArray([
 ['1', '2'],

// takes `simpleCellRange`
// returns: [ [ 2 ] ]
const clipboardContent = hfInstance.copy({ start: { sheet: 0, col: 1, row: 0 }, end: { sheet: 0, col: 1, row: 0 } });

# Step 7: Adapt to the array changes

If you use any of the following methods, adjust your application to the changes in their behavior:

# setCellContents()

The setCellContents() method now can override space occupied by spilled arrays.

# addRows() and removeRows()

The addRows() method now can add rows across a spilled array, without changing the array size.

The removeRows() method now can remove rows from across a spilled array, without changing the array size.

# addColumns() and removeColumns()

The addColumns() method now can add columns across a spilled array, without changing the array size.

The removeColumns() method now can remove columns from across a spilled array, without changing the array size.