# Localizing functions

You can localize a function's ID and error messages. Currently, HyperFormula supports 17 languages, with British English as the default.

To change the language all you need to do is import and register the language like so:

// import the French language pack
import frFR from 'hyperformula/i18n/languages/frFR';

// register the language
HyperFormula.registerLanguage('frFR', frFR);


To import the language packs, use the module-system-specific dedicated bundles at:

  • ES: hyperformula/i18n/languages/
  • CommonJS: hyperformula/i18n/languages/
  • UMD: hyperformula/dist/languages/

For the UMD build, the languages are accessible through HyperFormula.languages, e.g., HyperFormula.languages.frFR.

Then set it inside it the configuration options:

// configure the instance
const options = {
  language: 'frFR'

Language pack names should be passed as strings. They follow a naming convention that incorporates two standards: ISO-639 and ISO-3166-1. The pattern is languageCOUNTRY, for example enUS, enGB, frFR, etc.

You can freely use the localized names: SUM can be written as SOMME and the functionality of the function will remain the same.

Here are some example functions and their translations in French:

// localized functions
functions: {

Same goes for the errors displayed inside cells when something goes wrong:

// localized errors
errors: {
  DIV_BY_ZERO: '#DIV/0!',
  NA: '#N/A',
  NAME: '#NOM?',
  NUM: '#NOMBRE!',
  REF: '#REF!',

# Localizing custom functions

You can localize your custom functions as well. For details, see the Custom functions guide.

# List of supported languages

Language name Language code
British English enGB
American English enUS
Czech csCZ
Danish daDK
Dutch nlNL
Finnish fiFI
French frFR
German deDE
Hungarian huHU
Italian itIT
Norwegian nbNO
Polish plPL
Portuguese ptPT
Russian ruRU
Spanish esES
Swedish svSE
Turkish trTR

# Demo

Name Year_1 Year_2 Average Sum